A selected mood board of images that inspire me to create my cannon for my project.
I firstly looked into more 'mecha' styled cannons involving a machine operating a cannon rather than being controlled as a single object by humans. I used this strategy to look into my style of cannon.
I then looked into the old 'civil war' cannons and engineering to get the feel of how the components may look and how then perform with the components. I also found some concept art that had inspired me on my creative influence to create a cannon/character.
Sketches and design process:
Modelling and stages:
When producing my character I didnt focus on the size of the components intill towards the end when I was putting it together. As the brief was on 'cannons' I decided to make an oversize cannon as apposed to a normal size, I feel as if the overexaggeration, even if its physically not possible to be held gives an interesting approach to representing the style of the concept. The style is looking more japanese styled with the oversized cannon on the mecha character.
During the process stages and towards the end I realised that my character was heading more towards the space marine 'warhammer' style.
The lighting and painting process: was such a stressful and painful experience as lighting and rendering the actual model was difficult to get right. I also struggled trying to get it the right quality render as it was difficult to find the settings. I attempted to create a 360 turn table which ended up not going anywhere as I had no knowledge of how to make a turntable. The painting was limited as the model almost made me scared to touch it as it was so perfectly adjusted to the right shapes and lighting I didn't think an inaccurate paint over would work well in the final render. I am fair about the finished results I believe I could improve if I had access to help and other forms of lighting and rendering in maya.